Sunday- September 20th

Today marks one month. That went crazy fast. No more pain. Scar at stoma site pretty big but it’ll fade with time. Flying back to Myrtle. My buddy got married yesterday. We had a blast. I’d argue I got MVP on the dance floor…finally healthy enough to shake my butt…watch me whip…now watch me nae nae… Anyway. I was moving around like there were no problems, because there weren’t. I find when I drink a good amount I don’t wake up in the middle of the night to go as much. But I do go a few more times the next day. I ate a lot, I was moving a lot, and all was good. Now I’m on my way back home and have to head straight to work on Sunday to get some stuff done. Blah. Looking forward to the week though. My sister and husband come and I move into my new place! Whoop! We’ll talk soon.
I was introduced to my face they made for the bachelor party I missed because of surgery…

Tuesday – September 15th

Long time no see. I’ve got almost all good news. I’m feeling better each day. I’m going to the bathroom about 3 or 4 times during the day and 2-3 at night. When I have to go I feel a bit gassy for a second or two and then it passes. I can hold it no problem but if you wait a real long time to go there are less breaks in between the gassy feeling and then can get uncomfortable. Not painful, but just how anyone would feel if they have to go to the bathroom. I had 4 captain and cokes last night….! It wasn’t the plan, but I went out with a friend and next thing you know I’m ordering my fourth and I’m winning a fantasy football game I had no finish losing! Football season alas…I love it. Surprisingly after my 4 drink night I felt fine. In fact, I only woke up once to go the bathroom last night and it was at 6 in the morning. Go figure. On the other hand I did go to the bathroom three times at work today and that never happens. Oh well, I’m still learning. Work is busy, I’m in a wedding this weekend, and I move into my new place next week. Things are good, and because I’m feeling little pain, I can show off my killer dance moves at the wedding. Still haven’t swung a club yet because I’ve been super busy, but hopefully soon. Basically it’s been less than a month since surgery and things are moving right along. The wound on my stomach where my stoma was is still a bit gross looking but is not very painful, just a little tight if I turn the wrong way. I can only imagine with time things will continually get better. I’ll keep posting as I see fit, but the longer I go without posting, the better I’m feeling. Again, feel free to comment or ask any questions. Its pretty cool how many people I’ve heard from or who have reached out. Until next time…go pats!

Monday – September 7th

Ive got myself a nice little 4 day weekend. Tomorrow I head back to Chapel Hill for my post op check up. Friday I went out with friends… and caved and hand two drinks. I was fine! I had to go to the bathroom one time all night and that was it. I didn’t end up getting home and in bed until 5:30… So you can pretty much expect that Saturday was a wash. I did a lot more lying around….but hey, I’m healing, I’m allowed! I was going to hit golf balls today for the first time since February, but it was too wet and rainy. Hopefully I’ll get out one day this week after work. Overall I’m feeling pretty good. Excited with the progress. Looking forward to getting back to the gym and gaining back my weight. An excited milestone this weekend, besides two captain and cokes, was I slept on my stomach! I haven’t done that since March. Truth is I woke up on my stomach and realized it didn’t hurt at all. I have to be careful when I move from side to side because sometimes the wound pulls and that hurts but other then that it’s fine. I’d like to be going a little less, but it has only been three weeks, after all. We’ll see what the doc has to say tomorrow and I’ll let you know. He did say I had a stricture in the hospital, which I believe I mentioned, but as a refresher, basically a narrowing at the rectum from lack of use. I fear he may have to place his finger into my already emotionally scarred butt, to take care of it. Not looking forward to that. At all. We’ll talk soon!

Wednesday- September 2nd

i am going back to work tomorrow. Doesn’t mean I’m feeling 100%, but definitely well enough to get back to sitting behind a computer all day. I’m still going about 2 or 3 times a night and about 5 to 6 during the day. It’s no bueno. I’ve already went through one thing of Calmoseptine cream, with very little relief. All the same stuff though. I’m going to try and hit some golf balls this weekend. My appetite is getting better each day. I’m so close I can taste it! (And then eat the whole thing and not get a stomach ache)

My next appointment down at Chapel Hill is next Tuesday. Expecting to hear more of the same. My wound on my stomach is healing up nicely. I have little pain in my stomach, just still very weak. I’ll let you know how the two day work week goes!