Tuesday – June 2nd, 2015

A little more than a month until my next surgery. I must admit it went fast. Although the first two months were hard (getting used to the bag, adapting to a new life..etc.) I am sad to say the last few days have been hell. You’d think it would get better with time. I guess here is my rule of thumb when dealing with an Ostomy bag. If you don’t have diarrhea everything (for the most part) will be fine. Less leaks, less bag changes, and less emptying. Well I changed my bag on Saturday and woke up today at 5:30 to another leak. I can’t tell you how deflating it is to wake up that early and know I have to spend the next hour showering and taking care of this. Not to mention, my skin is getting bad. It has no time to heal. I emailed my ostomy nurse and have been following protocol to try and thicken my stool. Immodium, Peanut Butter, Bread, Pasta, Bananas… nothing seems to be working. I thought things were turning around last night because I emptied my bag before bed and it was thick. I am going to eat strictly bananas and peanut butter and jelly for a little. Of course I have a trip out of town tonight to for a couple of days. I am going to Columbia for work and won’t be back until thursday. So that is two days away from home. I packed enough stuff to change my bag twice if I have to, and if I end up using both (or even one) I am not going to be happy. For a second I think I had myself convinced that this bag thing wasn’t so bad after all. That these months were a breeze. But this is starting to suck. It was beginning to be second nature and now I have to constantly worry about leaks and what I am eating. Not fun. Not what I signed up for. I hope that this all clears up before my vacation at the end of the month, right before my surgery, so I can actually enjoy myself for once. I can’t seem to catch a break. Enough of me complaining. First post where I really had nothing good to say about this situation. Here’s to hoping this is the last one of those. I’ll keep you posted…pun intended. Cheers.

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