Sunday – August 23rd

Today, no doubt worst pain since surgery. All I could do was sleep. No appetite… No nothing. Though, in an alternate universe, I was still having a killer time with good friends… 


The GI doctors came in in the morning and basically said I just had to Poo to go home. What a weird thing! My mom got to the hospital early. We decided maybe I should try and walk. I attempted to get up, but had to immediately lay down in the fear I was going to the pass out. Maybe from the pain, but I don’t know. Nurse came in immediately and gave me nausea medicine through my IV and we eventually upped my dose of pain medicine. The nausea medicine worked almost immediately. It did make me super drowsy though so I went back to sleep. When I got up I was feeling a little better. The head nurse came in and came in with more medicine… But couldn’t put it in my IV because it was red and sore and time to change. Boo. Being stuck for an IV Isn’t great. I can handle it, but if it can be avoided that’s wonderful. Anyway, she clamped me up and started fishing for a vein…when all of a sudden, BOOM BOOM, came knocking. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term BOOM BOOM, it means, I have the urge to poo. I tell her and she immediately unhooked and gets me out of bed. I head to the bathroom where….I anticlimacticly (is that a word) Pooped! It was in no means formed or soft, but poo had exited my butt. That was that. Good news. I hopped back in bed and got a new IV and some more medicine. As the day went on it got better. I ate some chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes for dinner, and went Poo again! This time though, came a lot of gas. More good news. Now here I lay, bored out of my mind. I fell asleep at 8, so when I woke back up at 11 I thought it was 4 in the morning…so That’s what I’m dealing with. The pain is tough but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Though we are stil in the early stages and that can certainly change. All the nurses here are all so awesome. I’ve been in this wing two times already so they’re all familiar faces and they all remember me. Well, they remember OSTY, not me… He loves the attention. That’s the scoop. I’ll be back tomorrow with more news. Hopefully that I can go home. We’ll see.