Wednesday – April 29th, 2015

Let’s talk. Last night I had my first two Captain and Cokes. Did I come to regret them? Did I get more gassy? Did I get drunk? No…no…and Nahhh. Everything was fine. I’ve actually been feeling pretty good this week. Moving around a little better, getting out of bed a little better, not getting as tired so early. Bending over to put my shoes on is still a bit uncomfortable and wearing a belt is no fun. Speaking of belts, my stealth belt will arrive tomorrow with hours to spare before my flight to Boston. Today my skin was a bit itchy, I’m scared it may be irritated under the bag, we’ll see tomorrow. I’ll be switching my bags to the same type of bag but my new ones have a filter. The filter allows the gas to release itself without me having to do it manually. I usually have to wake up in the middle of the night to release some air because my bag balloons so I’m glad to have these new bags. Not sure why they even make bags without filters. All in all things are good. I’ll be traveling this weekend. So new obstacles. I’m hoping to avoid any and all problems. Excited to report my stomach butt is healing nicely and I’m doing well. I wish I’d be gaining weight a bit faster but that’s out of my hands. Next time I check in I’ll be back in my old stomping grounds. Looking forward to seeing the guys. Thanks for reading!